Red Corona: Fiction


This page is the home of my fictional writings. One day you may see links to published material here, but until or unless that happens, I may post snippets, short stories or items of art, game lore, poetry or other fictional material here.


The fantasy world of Seria is the setting for my main fictional effort. It's a land of pre-industrial people and hidden magic, and the eponymous country is carving out an existence on the frontiers of known lands after being exiled from an unstable autocratic kingdom.

The main focus is a three part novel, provisionally entitled Journey, following the progress of one young journeyman who apprentices into the mages' guild at an important time in the history of that guild. I won't release that here unless it can't be published any other way because I'm still hoping for a traditional publication approach.

Short Stories

I also write standalone short stories occasionally, either to enter a competition or just because I want to. Here is a selection.